Washington, D.C. - August 05, 2016:
Lisa Garcia, Vice President of Healthy Communities at Earthjustice speaks during the Earthjustice hosted panel "Environmental Justice 101" during the National Association of Black Journalists/National Association of Hispanic Journalists event Friday Aug. 5., 2016 from 2:45-4:15 pm at the Washington Marriott Wardman Park.
Panelists are: Moderator, Darryl D. Fears, Reporter, The Washington Post, Martha Dina Arguello, Executive Director of Physicians for Social Responsibility, Dr. Beverly Wright, Executive director of Dillard University's Deep South Center for Environmental Justice, Dr. Robert Bullard, Dean of the School of Public Affairs at Texas Southern University, and Lisa Garcia, Vice President of Healthy Communities at Earthjustice.
CREDIT: Matt Roth